Friday, April 27, 2007

The Happiest 18 Months Ever!

So Colin officially turned 18 months old's hard to imagine our lives without him. It's also so hard to believe that 18 months ago at this time he was either pooping, latched to my breast, or he was snuggled in between Mommy and Daddy in bed. He still poops, still has a bottle (I know, pretty soon we'll give them up!), and only will stay in bed with us if his beloved Barney is on TV...Each stage of his life has been fascinating and it gets better everyday. Lately he seems so much more independent, not needing Mommy and Daddy as much, taking more risks...That's a good sign I guess. So Happy 18 Months Colin, someday when you can read this I want you to know that we love you more than you'll ever know and we hope your life is always filled with happiness!

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