Friday, November 30, 2007

The Latest

Since Colin has had an upper respiratory infection and is still coughing somewhat the anesthesiologists are postponing he surgery for at least 2 weeks! We'll see what happens...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Not only is Mommy enjoying her ice cream this time around, but Colin is too! A special treat! It was so funny to watch him eat it. First, concentration, then pure joy! I feel that way too when I have my nightly bowl! Colin's been fighting this upper respiratory infection for like 2 1/2 weeks now...we had already been to the pediatrician and they gave him an antibiotic after a couple of more days of a horrendous cough that was keeping him up at night...finished that on Sunday and guess what the runny nose was back Monday and then last night he spiked a 102 degree Motrin because he is supposed to have surgery Monday, but the tylenol helped and it was about 101 this morning, so off to the pediatrician again this afternoon - red throat, did a strep test (-), just viral and we are to treat the symptoms...let's just pray that his little body can fight it off before Monday...I don't want to have surgery any closer to the holidays!

Friday, November 23, 2007

6:30 a.m.!

That's what time my sister and I hit the stores today to begin our Christmas shopping. Now I have never done the whole "Black Friday" thing, but it was quite thrilling! I definitely got a high and we both decided to make it an annual tradition! It felt good to get a start since December weekends always book up fast and with Colin's surgery and let the season begin!!!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our family and friends! Today I really tried to reflect on how much we have to be thankful for and again realized how very lucky we are...we spent the day at my parents and thankfully my Uncle Rob could be there after having chemo on Tuesday. He sure was a trooper! It was somewhat bittersweet as this could be the last Thanksgiving we spend with him, but it was a very happy day too because he was with us and actually ate some turkey! All in all a great day and a very special time for our family! Love to all!

Colin, Daddy, and Uncle Ray

My cousins are the best!

Uncle Rob and the McAuliffe's

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Weddings and Babies...

Today is our third anniversary - Ryan if you read this, Happy Anniversary and thank you for making me so happy! Feels like yesterday we were in Portland almost 2 kids later - whoah! We did get to go out for a nice Italian dinner Saturday night to celebrate - Ryan with his dirty vodka martini and me with my ginger ale! Also we went for a check up today - all is well, except for the continued naseau and vomiting and horrible headaches :(:(:(...hopefully that will change soon! I'm thinking a girl!!!!!!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Verdict Is In

We traveled to a Children's Hospital clinic this morning and met with the surgeon who we liked very much and so did Colin! She explained that yes he does have a hernia on one side, yes it needs to be repaired surgically, and yes that means general anesthesia again...she is only repairing one side, it's day surgery, and it's a fairly quick procedure (1-1/2 hours)...After seeing parents with their kids today carrying files upon files of medical records, I kept telling myself it's a routine procedure, it's just a hernia, and we are very lucky it's nothing more serious or chronic!

Here we go...

So we are off to the surgeon this morning to figure out if Colin has a hernia, which seems to be true at this point, and then what the treatment will be...maybe I will post later and let everyone know what the outcome was...ughhh!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Chocolate Ice Cream Cones, Italian Subs, and Juice Boxes

Hmmm...what does all that mean??? Well, you may have guessed - Colin is going to be a big brother! Right now the due date is May 16th...all is well and hopefully will continue to go well! This pregnancy has been different from Colin's right from the start. The morning sickness was different, the cravings have been different (all I want are salty cold cuts, which I have to limit myself with), and I have a little bulge quite earlier than I did with Colin (2nd pregnancy I guess!)...maybe all that means a little girl is growing inside there???????

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Yes, you are probably wondering - where are the pictures??? Well, you guessed it, Colin wanted nothing to do with a costume or trick or treating. He loved playing with the flashlight outside in the dark, calling it the moon, but there was no go on Halloween this year. Oh well, maybe next year!