Friday, November 09, 2007

Verdict Is In

We traveled to a Children's Hospital clinic this morning and met with the surgeon who we liked very much and so did Colin! She explained that yes he does have a hernia on one side, yes it needs to be repaired surgically, and yes that means general anesthesia again...she is only repairing one side, it's day surgery, and it's a fairly quick procedure (1-1/2 hours)...After seeing parents with their kids today carrying files upon files of medical records, I kept telling myself it's a routine procedure, it's just a hernia, and we are very lucky it's nothing more serious or chronic!


Amy said...

How nerve racking...but you have the right attitude! When is it? We'll be thinking of you all! Colin is a trooper! Take Care Amy

James Michael said...

Thinking of you. I am so sorry you have to go through this. We do have a lot to be thankful for, seeing stuff like that really makes it seem a bit easier. Keep us posted.