Monday, July 28, 2008

Smiley and Not So Smiley...

A couple of recent pictures of Brendan...he's full of smiles these days...he's also making more noises, loves when we make funny faces, loves bright colored picture books, and his bathtime! Latest stats - 11 lbs. & 11 oz.; 23 inches! Can't believe he will be 3 months next Tuesday...

Poor Colin woke up Friday morning with "pink eye"...he was miserable and doesn't like the ointment so much :(...It's much better, but it meant a low key weekend with lots and lots of hand sanitizer!
It's been a busy month and we are looking forward to our vacation in a few will nice to get away. I am feeling better, still sore at times and I can't lift heavy things yet, but I am pretty much able to eat again (ice cream, chips, etc. etc.!)

Friday, July 18, 2008


Well, I survived...I had my gall bladder out on Tuesday, all went fine, I survived general anesthesia and I am now just trying to not cough or laugh too hard...It's been a bit of a challenge not being able to lift Brendan, but Ryan has been amazing taking care of all 3 of us! Hopefully things will continue to go well and I will be back to normal soon!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Out and About

We tried to make sure we were out and about this weekend since the weather was beautiful and I may be cooped up for a bit after Tuesday...we spent Saturday at the playgroud and then Sunday we traveled to Newburyport. It was beautiful and Colin loved seeing the boats. There is also a small hidden play structure in downtown that is shaded which was great. Brendan even loved the fresh air. The pain hasn't been that bad, just a dull ache from time to time and not much of an appetite...I call it the gall bladder diet - lots of fat free and bland food!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Future Surgeon?????

We received an informational pamphlet from the surgeon yesterday and Colin found it quite was hysterical he kept asking questions about the pictures...I snapped these pictures at dinner...who knows maybe he'll attend medical school someday!
he pointing to the picture of the lady hunched over clutching her stomach in pain

so serious...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

It's Coming Out

Surgery is on for Tuesday to remove my gall bladder...the surgeon says that if I am in early enough and things go well I may be able to go home that day...I hope so, I don't want to be away from the kids :(:(!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Fun, Friends, and Fireworks!

Fun and Friends - We had a blast this 4th of July...we saw a fantastic parade that Colin absolutely loved, had some great food, and just was great spending time with wonderful friends and watching the little ones play with one another. Thanks Michael and Shelby for a very memorable holiday, Brendan's 1st! Stupid me didn't get a picture of the boys together on the 4th!
Fireworks - We didn't actually see live fireworks this 4th of July...they actually were occuring inside my stomach. I was awoken out of a deep sleep Friday night with excruciating right sided stomach pain. First I thought it was just the fact that I gorged on so much yummy food Friday. I then thought this is not your ordinary stomach ache, something is wrong, and I thought I had appendicitis. So I ran downstairs and jumped on the computer looking up appendicitis and wondering if I should drive myself to the emergency room. Meanwhile after about an hour the pain subsided...Sunday night at almost the same time it happened again only this time it was much worse. I did actually drive myself to the emergency room which wasn't very smart considering I almost passed out in the parking lot. They did some bloodwork and determined it must be my gall bladder and to follow up with my primary care doctor. I went home and yesterday after a very long day at the hospital it was determined to be "several gall stones"...I have to meet with a surgeon at 8:30 tomorrow now I am eating a lot of toast and luckily I use fat free cream in my coffee! I guess fatty foods can irritate it...yuck! So hopefully no more of those "attacks" until they determine what to do with my gall bladder!