Thursday, December 28, 2006

Our Trip to the Aquarium

Wednesday we ventured into the Aquarium in Boston with Nana which was actually Colin's first trip to Boston as well...we only got a little lost and when we got there the line for tickets is actually outside (should have ordered them online) is school vacation week so it was extremely busy, but Daddy waited in line while Nana, Mommy and Colin waited inside in the warm! Colin did well for the most part. We timed the trip pretty well too, in between naps. He loved standing on the ledge watching the fish go by in the big tank (can't really see the fish in the pictures) and Mommy freaked out when she was holding Colin and a huge shark swam by - it didn't even phase Colin! He especially liked the lights that lit up a long hallway on the second floor. After checking out every single light, all he wanted to do was run up and down the hallway which was fine because this hallway was empty and he had the freedom he was longing for. He doesn't like to be in his carriage much anymore and he doesn't like to hold hands when he walks-he is Mr. Independent which made for only some minor tantrums in the crowds of the Aquarium. He is so funny, he loved all the people and definitely thought he was a big boy walking around the Aquarium! The exhibits were cool, especially the penguins - they are showing Happy Feet at the IMAX...we had a great time and hope you enjoy the pictures!

Christmas Memories!

This picture was taken at about 4:00 - as you can see we are still in our pajamas!
Colin loves his new kitchen, table, and chairs!

I love this picture - Maddy is so grown up! Pretty soon she will be babysitting for us!

This picture is one that my mom takes every year. All the kids dressed up in front of the fireplace. She then gives each kid new pajamas, so soon the pretty dresses are off and the comfy pajamas are on!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas!

What a wonderful Christmas we had...It started out on Christmas Eve with our annual McAuliffe get together at Grammy and Grampy's house. It is always such an awesome time...five kids (9, 6, 5, 3, and 1) all who are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Santa that night...So we usually have some dinner and then the fun begins - presents. The kids were so funny, the minute they got to the house they were asking to have dinner (smart kids knew the presents came after dinner!) They were all so good and waited very patiently for the gifts. My brother started the night off with something the kids all listened very intently to "remember there are kids in this world who don't get any presents at all so be very thankful for what you have" and they certainly were. One of the funniest moments came when Sydney (age 3 and very much into princesses and the Barbie dancing princesses) opened a Dancing Princesses TV learn to dance pad from Grammy and Grampy - she screamed and all of a sudden ran down the hallway with the box in her hand! It was so funny, she was so excited she didn't know what to do! Colin did so good! He stayed up until 10:00 (bedtime is usually 7:30) and didn't cry at long as he could turn the volume up and down on the DVD/CD player he was fine. He is still a little young to even understand presents, but he had fun anyway. His aunts, uncles, and grandparents were so generous and we can't thank you all enough! So we all went to sleep, late of course, and Colin woke up around 4:00 screaming and crying. I think he was dreaming because he wouldn't let me comfort him in his crib, so I just put his "mama's" back into bed with him and he fell back asleep... until about 6:00 - then Christmas morning began. Santa made a stop at our house of course and was very good to all of us! Colin would have been very happy with the Barney coloring book and crayons that were in his stocking, however he has had a lot of fun playing with all of his new toys...Christmas day was spent in our pajamas (as you can see from the pictures), playing, relaxing, and of course eating! We had a nice relaxing family day and I said to Ryan it is one of the only days in the year when we do absolutely nothing! It was great! So hopefully everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! Pictures to be posted tonight - we're off to the Boston Aquarium!

Monday, December 18, 2006

"He sees you when your sleeping...!"

So as you can tell from the date of my last entry, things have been kind of busy in the Snyder household. Every year I say I am going to get a head start on Christmas, but that never happens. And now with a very mobile 1 year old, shopping is even that much harder! But regardless of all that this time of year is always very special...So has anyone seen the new BMW commercial? It's my absolute favorite commercial right now. It starts with the home video of a little brother and sister who are opening gifts on Christmas morning. The boy opens a gift and begins screaming and jumping and so absolutely excited I never know whether to cry or laugh. The pure joy and excitement from this kid is so awesome! Keep your eye out for it! So last weekend we rigged up a you can see from the picture, it is a 3 foot tall tree resting on a small table. So far so good, no major accidents yet! And this weekend we went to a party that the North Reading police department puts on every year and has since I was probably two or three years old. This was the place that I always saw Santa and it blows my mind that this is year number two for Colin. Last year he just slept soundly in Santa's arms, this year he sat on his lap with his two cousins next to him and all was OK for about 2 minutes. He just kept looking up at the big white beard every time Santa said Ho, Ho, then Mommy wanted a picture of just him with Santa. Yeah right, first there was the fake whine/cry and then when he realized that we were still waiting for the pictures to be taken, the real cry began...and Mommy rescued him from that big man! It is such a great party, the police department has Rudolph, Frosty, pizza, candy, coffee, and presents for every kid after they sit on Santa's lap..and it is all done by the police department for the town, no fee involved...thanks Uncle Michael! Unfortunately Mommy forgot the camera and the only pictures we have are from a polaroid. Grammy got some that hopefully we can post soon! So with one last week before the holiday, I am hoping Ryan and I can take a minute, take a deep breath and be thankful for what we have - a roof over our heads, food on the table, and a happy and healthy child! Love to all!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Soccer or Baseball????

That is now the question in our household since Colin has learned how to kick a ball (or sort of he just runs and moves his foot so the ball moves)...Mommy still plays and is a fan of soccer, yet Daddy is an enormous baseball fan...Pretty sure they are opposite seasons though??? Heck, maybe he will hate sports - as long as he is happy! This walking thing is amazing, he doesn't just walk now he runs around the house. It's like in a week they become so confident that walking is just not so cool anymore...Our weekend was spent Christmas shopping and decorating, pretty great overall...but the most exciting part was spent watching our niece Madeline perform in the Nutcracker. She performed with the Albany Berkshire Ballet Company at the Collins Center in Andover. She was a party girl and she was graceful on stage! The Nutcracker is one of my favorite things at Christmas. We grew up watching my cousin Kristen perform in ballets with the Boston Ballet including the Nutcracker and it looks like Maddy is on her way! Unfortunately Colin and Daddy couldn't make it, maybe in a year or two Colin will be ready for the ballet!