Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Wedding???

So I get home from work today and find out that my "baby" received his first marriage proposal...yes, his friend at daycare made it official today -she wants to marry my little guy! Too funny!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

End of Another Week...

and still no baby! What a great week, the weather was beautiful, finally time spent outdoors, and of course not a picture to show of it! I forgot my camera with every outing we went on, so here are a few pictures from a recent birthday party we went to at The Little Gym (very fun!)...

and our first official movie night...the Jungle Book was the feature film and Colin thought it was great to be able to have a popsicle while lying on the couch cushions on the floor - not that we haven't done it before, but calling it "movie night" made it extra special!

Daddy had the week off, so he is in a bit of depression today...he and Colin spent some very quality time together and played lots of baseball and went to lots of playgrounds. Mommy had to work - only three days left. Thursday is officially my last day if I don't go into labor before then :)...The plan is 2 more weeks and if nothing happens - induction. So it's just a waiting game now! It's official, I was eating a bagel last night and the plate rested quite nicely on my "shelf"! I must say my flip-flop obsession is in full swing...I love flip-flops and I love that since the weather has been somewhat warm I can begin wearing them...and when you are 8 1/2 months pregnant it's an even better excuse to wear them!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What's New

It's been a while since my last post and unfortunately I don't have any new pictures to post...hopefully we'll get some good ones of our little guy this week enjoying the warm weather. Colin has been great, very happy, what more could a Mom ask for? This weekend Mommy spent Saturday walking (or attempting to!) in the MS walk for Shelby, one of my very special friends from college. The weather turned out beautiful and raised a lot of money...thank you to my family and friends who donated and who know Shelby, it means a lot, anything we can do to support her means so much! I love you Shelby! You can still donate online by linking to the Ronan's blog...Sunday we hung around and did stuff around the house. I had a visit with my Uncle Rob while Colin was napping which is always very special. I cherish the visits more than ever these days. On the baby front, as of Friday's visits I had a normal non-stress test with some contractions (didn't feel them), the baby was measuring 7 pounds, my fluid levels are still hovering on the high normal side, and the baby looked great on ultrasound. I did have a "real" contraction Friday afternoon that actually stopped me in my tracks, but no more like that since then...Monday's appointment - not much has changed! I was convinced I was going to be dilated, but no OB said a lot of women will get increased Braxton Hicks when they have increased fluid levels which must be the case! All of the end of pregnancy things are happening, especially the inability to sleep...can't get comfortable, mind racing,'s funny how they prepare you for those months that lie ahead :)

On another very sad note, my good friend Amy, also from college, lost her dad very suddenly last week. Your prayers would be a blessing during this difficult time...Amy I am constantly thinking about you and if you need anything just call...

Pictures soon, I promise!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Great Weekend...

Since we had a change in plans for Saturday we decided to spend most of the day with Colin and doing fun things with him since the rest of April is pretty busy...we planned on going to Portsmouth to the Children's museum, but with the rain we decided to stay local. So what did we do? We headed to the mall! Kind of cheesy, but we did do the whole Build a Bear thing (made Wally the Green Monster of course!), went to all the sports stores, saw the puppies (poor things), rode the cars, and went to the restaurant for lunch...Colin had a blast. He was so happy and it was nice just to be with him and not think about anything that needed to be done at home. We ended the day with a trip for ice cream, another favorite of Colin's (and Mommy's!). It's an emotional time thinking that all of our attention won't be with him...I know parents do it all the time and their kids are just fine, but I also know that it must be hard at the beginning. We also continued getting things ready for the baby, basically just doing a lot of laundry. I am in definite nesting mode. It was fun to see the little onsies again! It feels like yesterday Colin was wearing them. Today we spent the day at home and then we had a sitter come by so we could go to a wake. With the exception of that it was a fantastic weekend and hopefully we'll be able to do it again before baby #2 comes along!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Star Sighting!

Fridays are the day I go for my weekly non-stress test and Level 2 ultrasound and appointment with the high risk OB. I went for the non stress test which is in Labor and Delivery and I was running a little late for the next scheduled appt. with the OB. I left Labor and Delivery and went donw the hall to meet Ryan for our next appt. The doctors office is located behind a small family waiting area that most families whose loved ones are in labor wait...So I rush in and go through the waiting area to check in with the receptionist. The waiting area was pretty full, but I didn't notice anything. Until Ryan mentioned that Paul Pierce (current Celtics player) was in the waiting area! Then I loudly blurt out "what Paul Pierce is out there"! I check in and we go back and wait in the waiting room just a foot or so away from Paul Pierce...he was just playing cards with what I think was a family member. I guess someone was joking around with him that "they don't even let stars in for the epidural", so I am assuming he was having a baby today! Kind of a funny star sighting!

I just looked on and found this:
With his fiancée Julie Landrum expecting to be induced into labor, Pierce did not make the team flight to Charlotte this afternoon.
The Celtics left for Charlotte a little after 3 p.m., but Pierce and Landrum are waiting on the birth of their first child and team spokesman Jeff Twiss said, “He elected not to take the flight for obvious reasons.”

Oh, baby Snyder is great, GROWING (as of last Friday 5lbs. 5oz.), and things are status quo!