Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Our Easter festivities began Saturday with a trip to visit the Easter bunny who made an appearance at Uncle Michael's police department kid's party and then the second annual painting of the belly's occurred at our house later on that day. My very good friends Kelly and Shelby are both due within days of me and they traveled down for our painting session, some yummy food, and a nice relaxing pedicure. The guys held down the fort with the kids and had a good time themselves. This is the second time we have been able to do it (the first being pumpkin bellies) and I must say I think the eggs top the pumpkin bellies! The kids even posed for a picture too! It was a very special day and one never to be forgotten!

I found it!

Mommy made me wear this to church, I cried and cried, but I still had to wear it...mean old mommy!

Look! There it is, that bunny can't trick me!
Colin woke up and we began our Easter we walked down the stairs he found his basket on the dining room table and was quite excited! After looking through that he found all the eggs that the bunny hid around the house...and there's nothing better than M&M's and a loolipop all before 8:30 a.m.! We headed to church which was the first time we've attended near our's my sister's parish and they have a family mass which is so great for the kids...Colin did great, so hopefully we'll keep it up! Actually when I went up for communion the priest noticed I was pregnant and blessed me which was very nice....then as the mass is wrapping up he began talking about how there is woman out there pregnant and due it May, "could she please stand up?"...I must have turned five shades of red, but I managed to stand up, and he commented on how this was the true meaning of Easter, new life...I actually got all teary hit home because it's something that my Uncle Rob always does (blesses the baby and talks about new life...) anyhow, Colin is napping, I think Daddy is napping, and I have time to read the Sunday paper! Then off to Grammy's house for dinner...we hope all of our family and friends have a very special Easter with their loved ones!


We did it! We managed to pull off a surprise dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant to celebrate Auntie Beth's big 4oth birthday...she was quite surprised especially since we had such a great turnout - 12 ladies in all, celebrating with delicious margarita's (that's what they told me, my virgin strawberry colada margarita was as good as can be), lots of laughs, and even a pink sombrero! Happy Birthday Auntie Beth!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Another First!

Today we took Colin to his first real movie...we saw Horton Hears A Who...Colin loved every minute of it. He walked into the theater and the look on his face was priceless, you would have thought he was in Disney or something. He is a HUGE Dr. Seuss fan, so it was great that this was his first movie. He sat in his own seat for the entire thing, ate his goldfish, and just stared at the big screen...until about 5 minutes left and he snuggled his way into Daddy's was a very cute movie, just enough time, and another "first" to add to the list!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Night #2

It went well...naptime yesterday was short, but he stayed in the bed...last night he slept through...we are doomed for #2, you can't get this lucky with sleep twice in a row - right??? I had to wake him up this morning for daycare and he was just laying there, he opened his eyes, says "hi mommy", sits up, and then says "oooh, basketballs" as he points to the sheets...I should write a letter to the sheet company thanking them :)...I said "Colin I am so proud of you sleeping in the big bed all night"...and he points at the crib and says "the baby sleeps there" a way my heart broke, that was "his" crib...and we took it away! On the baby front, I now am going for weekly non stress tests, I meet with my regular OB every other week, and I now have to meet with the high risk OB weekly for Level 2 u/s and checks, my amniotic fluid levels are still high, but the kidneys, bladder, and swallowing look Ok, so the doctor can't quite figure it out, just wants to watch me more closely in case the levels keep going lots of doctors for the next ten weeks or so, today the baby measured at 4 pounds - whoah! I should start taking bets on the size!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Who Slept Like a Rock?

Not Mommy of course, but Colin sure did...he went down at his usual time and was quiet all night, woke at 7:15 (really 6:15, hate the time change!) was great, however I kept waking up thinking I should go check on him, but didn't want to in case I woke him up...then I had a dream and in the dream there was a loud noise, so I woke up confused if the noise was real or not, I thought "what if he fell out onto the wooden step stool??? So anyways, it may be a fluke and he may refuse it today, but we'll see!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Our "Big Boy"

Wow it feels like yesterday that we were transitioning Colin from the bassinet to his crib for the first time, all swaddled in his much loved swaddle blankets like a litte burrito...well, our little guy is now sleeping in his "big boy bed"...oh, the emotions running through me right now! We decided to finally try it this weekend, we have been talking about it for about a month and talking about it with him for about a week. I went out and got some new sheets which he loved (sports of course!) and we put them on the bed last night. He was very excited about all the baseballs, footballs, and even soccer balls! So today we tried a nap...well about 3 hours later I had to wake him up! He did great so we just put him down for the night in the "big boy bed"...I can't believe it, this and peeing in the potty three times this week before his tub, where did the time go???????

Getting ready for my nap (of course "mama's" and blankies are there too!)...he doesn't sleep with a blanket over him in his crib so for now he's just laying on the mattress with the bottom sheet, I figure if all goes well, we'll try a blanket

Yeah! My new bed!
So we'll see how it goes tonight, I will keep you all posted!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Look What I Made!

The highlight of our weekend was going to "Enchanted" - a new paint your own plaster pieces place just opened yesterday. A friend of the family started the business and we had a blast and will definitely be back! It was great...if you can't tell Colin made his very own green, blue, pink, and red Pooh Bear that had purple and silver sparkles (or sprinkles as he likes to call them!)...he was so proud and he loved every minute!