Monday, December 18, 2006

"He sees you when your sleeping...!"

So as you can tell from the date of my last entry, things have been kind of busy in the Snyder household. Every year I say I am going to get a head start on Christmas, but that never happens. And now with a very mobile 1 year old, shopping is even that much harder! But regardless of all that this time of year is always very special...So has anyone seen the new BMW commercial? It's my absolute favorite commercial right now. It starts with the home video of a little brother and sister who are opening gifts on Christmas morning. The boy opens a gift and begins screaming and jumping and so absolutely excited I never know whether to cry or laugh. The pure joy and excitement from this kid is so awesome! Keep your eye out for it! So last weekend we rigged up a you can see from the picture, it is a 3 foot tall tree resting on a small table. So far so good, no major accidents yet! And this weekend we went to a party that the North Reading police department puts on every year and has since I was probably two or three years old. This was the place that I always saw Santa and it blows my mind that this is year number two for Colin. Last year he just slept soundly in Santa's arms, this year he sat on his lap with his two cousins next to him and all was OK for about 2 minutes. He just kept looking up at the big white beard every time Santa said Ho, Ho, then Mommy wanted a picture of just him with Santa. Yeah right, first there was the fake whine/cry and then when he realized that we were still waiting for the pictures to be taken, the real cry began...and Mommy rescued him from that big man! It is such a great party, the police department has Rudolph, Frosty, pizza, candy, coffee, and presents for every kid after they sit on Santa's lap..and it is all done by the police department for the town, no fee involved...thanks Uncle Michael! Unfortunately Mommy forgot the camera and the only pictures we have are from a polaroid. Grammy got some that hopefully we can post soon! So with one last week before the holiday, I am hoping Ryan and I can take a minute, take a deep breath and be thankful for what we have - a roof over our heads, food on the table, and a happy and healthy child! Love to all!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sounds like a great time!! Colin is so cute!! Hope you guys have a great x-mas!!