Saturday, November 03, 2007

Chocolate Ice Cream Cones, Italian Subs, and Juice Boxes

Hmmm...what does all that mean??? Well, you may have guessed - Colin is going to be a big brother! Right now the due date is May 16th...all is well and hopefully will continue to go well! This pregnancy has been different from Colin's right from the start. The morning sickness was different, the cravings have been different (all I want are salty cold cuts, which I have to limit myself with), and I have a little bulge quite earlier than I did with Colin (2nd pregnancy I guess!)...maybe all that means a little girl is growing inside there???????


Amy said...

Congrats!! We are so happy for you!! The water at QC must have been good stuff....we are all quite the fertile bunch!! You and Shelb are due at the same time...that will be fun! Anyway congrats and some advice - don't wait...whip out those maternity pants early!! Take Care Love Amy

James Michael said...

Congrats Lisa, Ryan and Colin! I am glad you announced it. We are so excited to do this together again, we are going to have such fun!
S,M and C