Tuesday, April 03, 2007

What? No Ah-ney?

So that was what caused Colin to go into hysterics tonight...he asked for Barney at 6:45 p.m. and we said no, go figure. He actually just stood there facing me and Ryan and just cried, so pitiful...This was after another trip to the pediatrician's office today. He definitely wasn't himself yesterday (and it wasn't because the Red Sox lost), but he was OK to go to daycare today - no fever and he was in better spirits this morning, except I got a call around 12:45 saying he just wasn't himself, clingy, didn't eat a whole lot...so it was off to the pediatricians. Things checked out OK, his ears are still infected and we will give him until Friday to see if things improve. It is so frustrating! He has felt lousy and can't tell us so it's a guessing game. Basically we gave him Motrin tonight at bedtime thinking something must hurt. I am demanding answers at the ENT appt. I feel like I have not been assertive and aggressive enough with the doctors and I know it's only his ears, but come on 14 ear infections in 17 months is crazy. So anyways, hopefully he will feel better soon, poor little guy and we'll get some answers!


James Michael said...
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James Michael said...

You make him go to the doctors AND you take away Barney? Wow. Tough love.
