Thursday, February 22, 2007


"One day at a time"...This was a recent quote from my Uncle Rob who is beginning his fight against cancer. This disease also took the life of a very young sister of one of my brother's best friends recently and I attended the wake last night...I spent the evening afterwards with my sister and her best friend Amy (who I have known since I was a baby) who beat her battle with Lymphoma and has been cancer free following a stem cell transplant for 5 years...and this time of year always reminds me of my Aunt Joan (who battled breast cancer for 19 years) because spring training has arrived. So lately this disease has just been so in my face...My immediate thought when my Uncle was diagnosed was to quit my job and devote my life to cancer research, but since that isn't so realistic, I have commited myself to captaining a team for the Relay for Life...Amy coordinates the event and it's remarkable ...I have to do something, I can't just sit around and do nothing, I hate this disease right now and I guess that's my way of channeling my emotions right now and writing this...just my thoughts...I hope I can be strong for my Uncle Rob, my mother, her other brother and all of those dealing with this day at a time. Thanks for listening and for your prayers, it felt good to get my thoughts out!

Please check out - the bracelets are beautiful and proceeds go to MGH


Amy said...

So Sorry Lisa! I too would like to get involved but not really sure how...thinking of you and your family. Amy

James Michael said...

Thinking of you!

Spider said...

Lisa, name the date and I'll be there. Dave