Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Snip, Snip!

"Mommy, Daddy I think it's time for a haircut!"
"What the heck is going on?"

"I think I could get used to this!"

"Daddy, it's MY lollipop!

So it was a big day yesterday in the life of our little guy - his first haircut! We finally realized that he needed one and decided to try out "Snip- It's". If anyone is not familiar with it, it is a salon just for kids with cartoons playing, colorful capes, and hot pick and green chairs. We arrived and Colin thought it was pretty cool...we waited about 5 minutes for our turn. Mommy had to sit with him and at first he was whining and squirming to be released from my grasp, but then came the yummy Dum-Dum lollipop...yes, my first thought was "he is going to choke right here in Snip-It's with a half finished haircut", but then I realized that Daddy would closely monitor any licking of the pop and that made Daddy happy since he got to share the lollipop with Colin and eat it for him! The cut is cute, a little boy's regular, except she didn't want to scare him with the buzzers so the back hairline is a little messy, but overall the haircut was quite successful - just lollipops and bubbles being blown by Daddy! He looks like such a little boy - so grown up! He did great and loved the fact that we kept calling him "handsome" the whole night...I think he also loved the fact that the hairdresser was a lady and mostly all the kids in the store were girls - such a little flirt! Hope you enjoy the pictures, I envision that someday in a few years we will have some pictures on here of Colin giving himself his own haircut????!!!

1 comment:

James Michael said...

I heard they are opening up a topless hair salon somewhere in Massachusetts. I would imagine he will be there when he is older. Great place for dads too.