Sunday, February 04, 2007

"Da-dee" - We miss you!

So it has been just Colin and Mommy this weekend. Daddy had a 2 day conference on Autism in Boston this weekend. He left bright and early Saturday morning, so Colin and I relaxed and watched a little Barney and Calliou in the big bed...Mommy had to go to work for a bit to do an evaluation so Grammy came over to babysit. Should have known things were not going to go all that well when he decided he didn't want a morning nap. He was actually OK - not too cranky when I got home around 11:15...he ate lunch and settled in for what I thougt was going to be a long afternoon nap - Mommy was wrong - an hour and a half was all that I got. So since it has been frigid outside, Mommy decided it might be fun to go to the mall- wrong. When we got there I began to give Colin a snack in his stroller. Well he didn't just want a couple of pieces of pear, he wanted to entire container to play with. I gave in and gave it to him, knowing it was going to end up on the floor which it did. That is when it began, the second I picked it up and he saw me put it into the stroller basket, he let loose...crying (actually screaming), flailing himself back and forth in the stroller, snots everywhere. So I scooped him out of the stroller and held him...milk - we'll go get some milk...nope cup thrown on the floor, he wanted out of my arms to walk...he wanted to walk in every direction that was not where I wanted him to go. So I scooped him up again and carried his crying, screaming, flailing body through the mall (while trying to push the stroller), back through JC Penney to our car. 15 minutes later- still took about 15 more minutes to get him settled into his car seat...I felt so bad...I definitely learned my lesson...don't bring a tired and house-bound child to the mall and expect that they will do what you want to do...just not fair to the we got home and played and just relaxed...I was feeling extremely guilty about our trek through the mall, I know he didn't even remember, but I sure did. But when he ran by me in the playroom downstairs and out of nowhere just stopped to give me a hug, my heart melted and I knew he was OK - and so was I!


James Michael said...

No worries Lisa. He will never remember and you will have so many wonderful memories together you will forget about it too. I am sure it was a wonderful welcome when Ryan walked through the door.

Amy said...

Call it wierd but I smiled when I read this...I've been there and can totally picture carrying a flailing tot and pushing a stroller, your purse, juice cup etc... been there!! You will look back and laugh eventually!! Ditto to all that SHelby said!!