Monday, February 11, 2008

Blogging Slacker!

So I have been a blogging slacker...we have been busy, especially with doctor's appointments, work, excuses I guess! I had a wonderful weekend with my college friends in Boston a few weekends ago. We were able to catch up, enjoy some shopping, and good food, we had a blast and I feel very lucky to have all those ladies in my life...thanks guys! Under 100 days left until the new baby arrives. We had another ultrasound tonight and got some good shots, it loves to have its hands up by its head and mouth which was very cute to watch. From the measurements we got tonight, the technician said 2 lbs. 10 oz. which is slightly larger than what the books say, but I will wait to hear from my OB before I jump to any conclusions...I don't have gestational diabetes which is good, so looks like we'll just have a LARGE baby! Colin came with us and did great...he liked seeing the baby on the monitor, however I don't think he had any idea what he was looking at. I think he thought it was more interesting watching Mommy lay on the bed with a big belly sticking up in the air! He has been doing fanstastic, growing into such a big boy - boy being the important, baseball, basketball -we can't wait for spring! Hopefully this winter won't last too much longer...promise to post pics soon!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Did you find out?? I am dying to know!!! Glad everything is going well!! Hi to Colin for us! A,C,H and h