Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Good News!

Ryan and I met with the high risk OB and all is well. We had a level 2 ultrasound first and then he reviewed the pics, came in and met with us and did his own ultrasound. He said basically this is something that is ideopathic (no real cause for why it happened - the 2 vessels) and that at this point all organs and systems look to be functioning normal. He checked the swallowing, the kidneys, the stomach, heart, etc...the baby is BIG which they can't pinpoint why, it just is. Today it measured 3 pounds 6 ounces - whoah! My amniotic fluid levels were slightly on the high normal side, but just one number over what they should be so that's good. So he said " more than likely you won't be having another 6 pound baby" we laughed...so we'll see what happens. I will be seen again in 2 weeks and they will do another level 2 just to make sure that nothing has changed. The coolest thing was that we got one 3 - D shot of the baby, it looks just like Colin when he was born, it is amazing! Still don't know the sex, and the tech actually said she couldn't really see when she was in that area because the baby was so active...thanks for thinking of us everyone - it helped!


James Michael said...

Yippee! I am so happy for you. I hope all good news continues thus far. You'll be one of those peopel that has a 8,9 or 10 lb baby. They are out there. My girlfriend Emily, Nico was almost a 11 lbs and she is a size 0. I guess it just happens.
Thank you for posting your news. We are so happy for you

Amy said...

yeah!! I had big boys so I don't know what i would have done with a 6 pounder! Ha! Thanks for keeping us posted...I thought of you all day and hoped the weather held out so you didn't have to travel in a snowstorm! So glad you can relax now and enjoy your last days of your pregnancy!! Love A,C,H and h