Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ready for Spring!

After spending yesterday watching the snow fall we were able to get out and enjoy the crisp, cool day. Colin and Daddy enjoyed making and throwing snowballs at Mommy - that little 2 year old has good aim! And being 7 months pregnant it's sort of tough to get out of the way, I am a pretty easy target at this point! This past week Colin had a cold which unfortunately developed into an ear infection. We went to the ENT at the beginning of the month and learned that one of the tubes had fallen out (yes, pretty early) and of course what happens with his next cold - yes, an ear infection! So we'll see what the ENT has to say...ughh! Spring come soon! We also had a follow up Friday with the surgeon and the hernia repair has healed and we don't have to go back which is great...Tomorrow Mommy has a check up with her OB...I definitely feel quite huge! We were all eating lunch today and it hit me that we only have like 10 weeks to go (give or take 2 weeks)...We don't have much to do, but that's still not much exciting! Here is the latest on the baby - I found out a few weeks ago after my repeat ultrasound that the umbilical cord only has 2 vessels not three (single umbilical artery) so this Tuesday Ryan and I will be visiting with a high risk OB to have a level 2 ultrasound done and to consult with him as to what all this means. There is a lot of information online which is sometimes not the best thing, but it may explain why the baby is measuring larger than average and my amniotic fluid levels are on the high normal side...There also can be comorbid conditions that go along with it - kidney problems, cardiac problems, other conditions such as cleft palate, etc...and it could be nothing! I will have to be followed closely with ultrasounds and non stress tests throughout the last trimester which is all I know at this we'll keep you all updated, I am sure everything will be OK in the end :) I have been doing exceptionally OK for me (someone who is quite the worrier and doesn't always do so well with stressful situations)...a really good friend of mine gave me some very good advice and a very special prayer for expectant moms that I have been trying to keep in the forefront of my mind - a big hug to her!


Amy said...

Lisa - Colin is quite the cutie! Will be thinking of you guys on Tuesday! Glad to hear you are doing good...your in good hands and soon you will have another bundle of joy! Keep us posted! Love A,C,H and h

S Cubed said...

Lisa and Ryan...I LOVE checking your blog!! I wish you the best of luck on Tuesday...I went through something similiar with my first pregnancy...and everything turned out perfect as Im sure it will for you two as well!
-Sarah Clifford