Sunday, June 03, 2007

Huge Success!

So the Relay for Life was a huge success...despite the uncertainty in the weather, it turned out great! I have attached some photos too...Unfortunately Colin has a bad cold and didn't attend the relay, but so far the surgery is still on, as long as he has no fever or cough. The bone marrow drive was successful too and both Ryan and I participated. The girl was at both the relay and the drive and appears very sick, so hopefully they will find her a match soon. Enjoy the photos!
More good news: Our good friends Gillian and Dave had their second baby on Friday...both mom and baby are healthy and happy...just one surprise - "she" turned out to be "he"! Let's just say there is a closet full of pink dresses at home and a 2 year old brother who thinks Clare is coming home! Isn't that crazy! Anyhow, no name as of last night...Congratulations Gill, Dave, and Nathan!

These are the luminaria bags (dedicated in memory or honor of someone affected by cancer) they are filled with sand and a candle and lit at 9:00 p.m. at which point everyone participates in a "silent" lap around the track (my Aunt Joan's and Uncle Rob's)

HOPE (luminaria bags)

The Family!

1 comment:

James Michael said...

Great photo's. Looks like a great time! Wish we could have been a part of it. Next time remind me. We hope Colin feels better soon.
S, M and C