Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wait and See

Much to our relief Colin does not need tubes in his ears (yet) fact his ears looked perfect today according to the ENT...Monday the right ear was red and there was fluid, but his little body fought it off and they were clear today (no antibiotics - yeah!). That's a good sign, that they are clearing up on their own "quite nicely" according to the ENT. He is sure that the Eustachian tube is still red and inflammed and that can take a few months to actually heal...hopefully we can avoid colds (ha! one of the downfalls of daycare!). So if all goes well and we go through the summer like we did last year (nothing) then we'll be all set! Thanks for thinking of us everyone, you know I was so worried about this, but thankfully it's only his ears - we're very grateful!

1 comment:

James Michael said...

Yeah! So glad to hear the news! I wish a wonderful healthy spring/summer for you guys.