Monday, September 01, 2008

My Boys

Dear Brendan,
Tomorrow is a bittersweet day. It is your first day of daycare. I thought it would be easier the second time around, it is in a way, but there is still a small knot in my stomach. You have grown so much in the past 3 1/2 months. You're getting stronger, smiling up a storm, talking in your own little language with such a sweet voice, eating like a champ, and sleeping better. You have made such a difference in all of our lives, Mommy's, Daddy's, and your brother Colin's. I know you will be OK at daycare, I know you will learn a ton, and grow in so many ways, but I still wish I could be there to share it with you. I can't wait for the day until you can tell me stories about your day, about your friends, and about how much fun you had. For now I will take all the smiles to reassure me that you are OK. I know that your big brother will look out for you and he can certainly put a smile on your face. I love you sunshine! Mommy

Dear Colin,
What a big boy you have become this summer. You have handled so many changes, especially the addition of your brother, so easily. You have grown, your say the funniest things, and you love to do things independently. I loved being home with you this summer. I treasured every second of it, knowing it would come to an end...back to daycare you go, I kind of wish you were going to preschool this year, but I am also very glad you will be with your brother. I know you will always look out for him, protect him, teach him things, and love him. I know you will continue to learn and grow and I can't wait to be welcomed home from a long day at work with a huge smile and a huge hug. I love you sweet pea, more than you will ever know, Mommy


Amy said...

Have a good week back...been there X2 and totally know how your feeling...thinking of you! The boys will be fine...and be super excited to see you tomorrow evening!! Amy

James Michael said...

Hi lisa-
Those were beautiful letters you wrote to the boys. I wish i had paid attention to when you were going back. I would have called. I hope it went smoother than expected. I bet is must have been tough. Thinking of you