Monday, September 29, 2008

Fall, Family, and Five Months!

Well it's been a while since I last posted...I finally downloaded our apple picking/hay ride pictures...we had a blast. Colin loved the whole day despite having a nasty virus (roseola??) that lasted the entire week. We got home that day and his fever was 103! It took an entire week for him to be back to normal. Luckily Brendan didn't get it...He slept most of the time as you can see from the pictures. Can't believe it's October in two days - Colin is turning 3!!!! Where does the time go????? We have also spent a lot of time with family this month. My Uncle Rob finally went into hospice last week. We had a wonderful get together a few Sundays ago, everyone was there even my cousins from CA. It was a very special day. I visited with him Friday and he has really failed, not eating, becoming confused, etc. We had a really wonderful conversation and many tears were shed, but I won't forget the words we shared. He helped me a lot! And little Brendan is 20 weeks tomorrow! We went to the doctors a few weeks ago and he didn't grow as much as they had hoped so we go back for a weight check in a few weeks...we will also see his GI doctor then too, just to make sure everything is OK. We started cereal and he seemed to like it and was doing well taking it in, just not so lucky with the digestion part. Exactly 4 hours after giving it to him he would wake up screaming, so we are holding off until we see the doctor. They are also just keeping an eye on his muscle tone...he was a little slow with the head control and his shoulder girdles are lax, and his pediatrician agreed so we'll see how he is in a few weeks...he seems to be doing much that's about it...enjoy the pictures!

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