Friday, January 11, 2008

Off to A Pretty Good Start!

So far the new year has been OK. With the exception of a nasty 24 hour stomach virus that hit me last weekend (not really fun when you are 5 months pregnant) the new year has been going OK. It's hard to believe it's already January 11 and with the weather we had this past week it felt more like March or April! I had my monthly doctor's appt. this week and the results of my ultrasound done a while back were normal with the exception that the baby is measuring large (I think in the 90th percentile) and I have normal amniotic fluid levels, although they are on the high end of I will have my glucose tolerance test a little early, just have to get to the lab when I can spend about an hour, and I will have another ultrasound at 26 weeks (beginning of February). My OB said it's no cause for real concern just yet, since an ultrasound is a lab test and there is a room for error and the best thing to do is just follow me with ultrasounds and do my sugar test early. Of course my little mind has already gone to probably every extreme there is and I have been on the internet which is worst thing you can do! Otherwise I feel great and the baby is really moving around...Hope everyone's new year is off to a great start...Hopefully we'll get some pictures this's Grampy's 70th birthday!


Amy said...

I agree stay off the internet!! I know it must be tough but try and keep that medical mind from me I know that is not easy! Glad your feeling better! Love A,C,H and h

James Michael said...

STAY OFF THE INTERNET! Sorry you are so worried..try to keep a very positive state of mind! It's better for the baby to stay positive. Love you and thinking of you.