Wednesday, December 05, 2007

No Baby!

Here's a couple of funny stories that happened today...Ryan, Colin, and I were sitting on the couch tonight reading a story before bed. All of a sudden Colin says "see Mommy's belly" as he pulls up my t-shirt. For a while now we have been telling him that there is a baby growing in my belly, but when asked what's in there he says "Daddy" (weird, huh!)., and he has never asked to see my expanding waistline! So tonight we corrected him and said "it's the baby growing in there Colin". Immediately the response was, quite clearly I might add, "No Baby" as he quickly pulled my shirt back down (like he was closing a door)! It was hysterical! Earlier we were sitting in the living room and his 2 piggy banks were on the coffee table. One is small and says "Baby's First Piggy Bank" and had been quiteld full, so Colin transferred his "monies" into a larger piggy bank the other day. So I said to him while holding the empty smaller bank, "Colin should we give this one to the new baby?" He looked right at me and said firmly "No, Colin's"...Hmmm, I wonder what we are in store for?????

1 comment:

James Michael said...

Oh my goodness... too funny! Yes, I think it will be very interesting.
Can't wait to see you Saturday and your expanding waitline:)