Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hmmm...did he bring me Dunkin Donuts and Lollipops???

He sure did!!!! The look on Colin's face was priceless when he saw the bag of DD's and lollipops on the table next to the empty cookie plate and milk cup ( I had to recreate the scene for the picture since Ryan and I got a new camcorder for Christmas I was too wrapped up in that and didn't take pictures when we got up)...Let's just say about 5 munchkins and three lollipops were eaten before 9:00 a.m. Luckily Colin slept until about 7:30! We had a great day. This is actually the third year we have spent the day at home, just the three of us (soon to be four!) We had a great, relaxing, and fun day spent playing with toys and eating yummy food! We hope all of our friends and family had a very special day with their loved ones...we sure did!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful the Dunkin Donut thing! Well I guess "America runs on Dunkin!" Ha! You guys look great and so Happy!! Can't wait for Feb! Love Amy