Saturday, January 13, 2007

No Strep Throat - Just a Virus!

That is the verdict as of 7:55 a.m. this morning...we ventured off to the doctor's yesterday afternoon after a continued fever, one episode of vomiting, and some extremely intense drooling. I felt so bad for him...Colin wanted absolutely nothing to do with the doctor, especially when she looked into his throat - he turned purple and we almost had another episode of vomit - however all she said was "Wow" at the looks of his throat. She quickly ordered us to sit him up so he wouldn't throw up and swallow it I guess and she got the long q-tips ready for the throat culture. I had a feeling all day long that his it was his throat. So Daddy laid him back down, held his hands, and as Colin let out a wail, she swiped his throat! I think she was convinced it was Strep throat, however the rapid test came back negative as did the preliminary one as well...Colin woke up with a low grade temp. and as of 10:00 it was 98.9 in one ear and 99 in the other, and he is actually talking today, and ate a Gerber cereal bar -so looks like whatever he had is working it's way out of him. I just completely disinfected our house, toys, the hopes that Mommy and Daddy won't get it! So maybe tonight we'll all get some much needed rest!


James Michael said...

You guys are such copy cats. Charlotte gets sick, then you have to make Colin get sick.

We are glad he is feeling better. Obviously there are some pretty wacky viruses out there.

James Michael said...

We need an is he feeling?