Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's hard to believe that we are already through with the "first" holidays with more "My First" bibs! Thanksgiving was great. We celebrated at Grammy and Grampy's with the Matthews, Uncle Rob, and Uncle Ray, Nana, and then the McAuliffe's joined us for dessert. Earlier in the day Colin "helped" make the mashed potatoes with Daddy, very cute. He pretended to stir as best he could with the big wooden spoon and the bowl. Now one of his favorite things to do is walk around the house holding the spoon like he is a conductor of an orchestra. Mommy gave him a new bowl to use Sunday afternoon that he found makes a better hat than bowl! He is just too much. All of sudden he wants to walk everywhere which made for a crazy food shopping trip Saturday. He walked up and down the aisles of Stop and Shop and got very concerned when there was a can of tomato paste on the flooor instead of on the shelf where it belonged! During mass at my parents house on Thanksgiving Day my Uncle Rob asked us to reflect about what we are thankful for. I tried as best I could to think of everything in that one short moment which was very tough to do. We are just thankful for the life that we have, although sometimes things get tough, we really do have a wonderful life with many so many people that love us, but most of all we are so very thankful for our beautiful boy Colin! Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends and family - we love you all!

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