Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Happy Birthday!

So Colin had a very exciting day. He woke up to Elmo balloons tied to his high chair and a dog-dog (stuffed of course) sitting on the tray. He came downstairs pointed immediately at the balloons and said "dog-dog"'s very funny how he knows what dogs are - won't say mama, but will say dog! Anyhow, he had a party at school, very cute, and then cupcakes at home too! All of his cousins called and sang Happy Birthday and even Uncle Rob Matthews called on his way to work and sang too! I swear Colin knew something was up -he was very, very happy today and I think of course loved the attention! He is so cute! He actually took some steps alone today too...nothing big, maybe three quick steps before falling into my arms...what a day for Mommy and Daddy! What a day for Colin too, he opened some presents (well Mommy and Daddy opened them) and then was so ready for his "ba-ba" and blankie and especially his cribbie! He used to love snuggling with Mommy at bed time, but now it's his crib! Suprisingly Mommy did OK today, not too many tears, just thoughts of absolute amazement at how truly blessed we are to have him in our lives and how his smile melts my heart each and every time I see it!

1 comment:

James Michael said...

Congrats on the walking! Can't wait to see him tomorrow. What a happy happy birthday.