Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Soccer Mom??? Baseball Mom???

It's official the Snyder family has entered Minivan Nation. We traded in the only thing I actually own in my life (my 1998 Nissan Sentra with 140,000 miles and no working air conditioning) for a leased 2007 Honda Odyssey. We thought it over and got a good deal so we went with it...it's surreal, a minivan???? So hopefully it will feel new for a while, there's nothing like a new car - no goldfish crumbs, thrown sippee cups under the passenger seat, or books strewn across the seats - but I am sure that won't last long! Now we just need some more little Snyder's to fill that third row of seats!

p.s. I am hoping for soccer mom!!!!!


James Michael said...

wow! Congrats on the minivan..a 2007! Yippee. You better get on the baby working you have to fill that thing.

Amy said...

You too have crossed over into the land of owning a minivan!! I sometimes see a reflection of myself in a store window or something and it scares me everytime!!! Congrats! Go Fertility go!!!