Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Fun, Friends, and Fireworks!

Fun and Friends - We had a blast this 4th of July...we saw a fantastic parade that Colin absolutely loved, had some great food, and just relaxed...it was great spending time with wonderful friends and watching the little ones play with one another. Thanks Michael and Shelby for a very memorable holiday, Brendan's 1st! Stupid me didn't get a picture of the boys together on the 4th!
Fireworks - We didn't actually see live fireworks this 4th of July...they actually were occuring inside my stomach. I was awoken out of a deep sleep Friday night with excruciating right sided stomach pain. First I thought it was just the fact that I gorged on so much yummy food Friday. I then thought this is not your ordinary stomach ache, something is wrong, and I thought I had appendicitis. So I ran downstairs and jumped on the computer looking up appendicitis and wondering if I should drive myself to the emergency room. Meanwhile after about an hour the pain subsided...Sunday night at almost the same time it happened again only this time it was much worse. I did actually drive myself to the emergency room which wasn't very smart considering I almost passed out in the parking lot. They did some bloodwork and determined it must be my gall bladder and to follow up with my primary care doctor. I went home and yesterday after a very long day at the hospital it was determined to be "several gall stones"...I have to meet with a surgeon at 8:30 tomorrow morning...so now I am eating a lot of toast and luckily I use fat free cream in my coffee! I guess fatty foods can irritate it...yuck! So hopefully no more of those "attacks" until they determine what to do with my gall bladder!

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